Resolutions Addressing Systemic & Structural Racism

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About us

Resolutions Addressing Systemic Racism (RASR) is an organization of committed individuals working together to effect actionable change in the laws, policies, systems, and practices that established and cultivated systemic and structural racism. Our goal is to identify those systems and structures to eliminate the disparate outcomes in health, education, financial stability, housing, and access to justice.

RASR is a 501c3 non-profit organization with a mission to be a hub of data and resources that will help others address the systems and practices that continue to enable racial inequities.

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Donations go to maintaining the website and hosting virtual activities to build grassroots capacity.




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You know it takes a village. Join us in creating a coalition in accomplishing overlapping missions and visions!

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Many hands make light work. Volunteer and assist in crowd sourcing data and resources.

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